Friday, March 13, 2009

Obj model

This is where we learned how to import models into the project. The code to do this is below.
Loader for the object:

Demo Name: OBJ Model Loading Demo
Author: Allen Sherrod
Chapter: Ch 12

#ifndef _OBJ_LOADER_H_
#define _OBJ_LOADER_H_
// Pretty straight forward don't you think?
struct stObjModel
float *vertices;
float *normals;
float *texCoords;
int numFaces;
stObjModel *LoadOBJModel(char *fileName);
void FreeModel(stObjModel *model);
Code that does the loading unto the screen:

Demo Name: OBJ Model Loading Demo
Author: Allen Sherrod
Chapter: Ch 10


stObjModel *LoadOBJModel(char *fileName)
FILE *file;
char *data = NULL;
CToken lexer, tempLex;
char tempLine[512];
char token[512];
// Open file for input.
file = fopen(fileName, "r");
if(!file) return NULL;
// Get the length of the file.
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
int length = ftell(file);
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
// Read in all data from the file.
data = new char[(length + 1) * sizeof(char)];
if(!data) return NULL;
fread(data, length, 1, file);
data[length] = '\0';
// Close the file when we are done.
// Set our file to our lexer.
// No longer need.
delete[] data; data = NULL;
bool validFile = false;
// Look for the word Wavefront somewhere in the file to
// determine if this .obj is compatiable since so modelers export
// to slightly different formats.
if(strcmp(token, "Wavefront") == 0)
validFile = true;
if(!validFile) return NULL;
// Reset for next pass.
// Used to get the total number of each declared in a file.
// Since faces uses indices these number could be different.
int totalVertices = 0, totalNormals = 0,
totalTexC = 0, totalFaces = 0;
// Get the first (or next) line.
// Set line to the temp lexer.
// Read the new line character.
// If something was set to the temp lex then we keep going.
if(!tempLex.GetNextToken(token)) continue;
// If the first token of the line is a v, vn, vt, or f
// increment the respective counter.
if(strcmp(token, "v") == 0) totalVertices++;
else if(strcmp(token, "vn") == 0) totalNormals++;
else if(strcmp(token, "vt") == 0) totalTexC++;
else if(strcmp(token, "f") == 0) totalFaces++;
token[0] = '\0';
// Allocate temp space to hold the data. Face are by 9 since there are
// 3 vertices each with 3 values (v index/vt index/vn index).
float *verts = new float[totalVertices * 3];
float *norms = new float[totalNormals * 3];
float *texC = new float[totalTexC * 2];
int *faces = new int[totalFaces * 9];
int vIndex = 0, nIndex = 0, tIndex = 0, fIndex = 0, index = 0;
// Move to the beginning of the file.
// Do it all again but this time we get the data.
// Set to temp lex, read past newline, get token.
if(!tempLex.GetNextToken(token)) continue;
// If v then we get the vertex x, y, z.
if(strcmp(token, "v") == 0)
// Get the x and save it.
verts[vIndex] = (float)atof(token);
// Get the y and save it.
verts[vIndex] = (float)atof(token);
// Get the z and save it.
verts[vIndex] = (float)atof(token);
// Else If vn then we get the normal x, y, z.
else if(strcmp(token, "vn") == 0)
// Get the x and save it.
norms[nIndex] = (float)atof(token);
// Get the y and save it.
norms[nIndex] = (float)atof(token);
// Get the z and save it.
norms[nIndex] = (float)atof(token);
// Else If vt then we get the tex coord u, v.
else if(strcmp(token, "vt") == 0)
// Get the u and save it.
texC[tIndex] = (float)atof(token);
// Get the v and save it.
texC[tIndex] = (float)atof(token);
// Else If f then get each vertex 3 indices set.
else if(strcmp(token, "f") == 0)
// Load for each vertex (3 in a triangle).
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// Get first set. Get the length of it.
int len = strlen(token);
// Since there are no spaces between a set (1/1/1)
// we can't simply read tokens so we must loop
// through and take out each value before the / sign.
for(int s = 0; s < len + 1; s++)
char buff[64];
// If this is not a / or if not at the end.
if(token[s] != '/' && s < len)
buff[index] = token[s];
// Else end the string, convert it, save it.
buff[index] = '\0';
faces[fIndex] = (int)atoi(buff);
index = 0;
token[0] = '\0';
// No longer need.
// Create the model object by allocating.
stObjModel *model = new stObjModel;
if(!model) return NULL;
memset(model, 0, sizeof(stObjModel));
// Save face count.
model->numFaces = totalFaces;
// Reset temp counters.
vIndex = 0, nIndex = 0, tIndex = 0, fIndex = 0, index = 0;
// Allocate data for each part of the model.
model->vertices = new float[totalFaces * 3 * 3];
if(totalNormals) model->normals = new float[totalFaces * 3 * 3];
if(totalTexC) model->texCoords = new float[totalFaces * 3 * 2];
// Loop through and fill in our model.
for(int f = 0; f < totalFaces * 9; f+=3)
// Get vertex. We subtract by 1 since we need our indices to be
// in the range of 0 to max - 1 not 1 to max. We multiply by 3
// since there are 3 componets (x, y, z) in a vertex.
model->vertices[vIndex + 0] = verts[(faces[f + 0] - 1) * 3 + 0];
model->vertices[vIndex + 1] = verts[(faces[f + 0] - 1) * 3 + 1];
model->vertices[vIndex + 2] = verts[(faces[f + 0] - 1) * 3 + 2];
vIndex += 3;
// We do the same with the texture coordinate data. Since tex coord
// data in the second thing we app 1 to f (v/vt/vn).
model->texCoords[tIndex + 0] = texC[(faces[f + 1] - 1) * 2 + 0];
model->texCoords[tIndex + 1] = texC[(faces[f + 1] - 1) * 2 + 1];
tIndex += 2;
// We do the same with the normal coordinate data.
model->normals[nIndex + 0] = norms[(faces[f + 2] - 1) * 3 + 0];
model->normals[nIndex + 1] = norms[(faces[f + 2] - 1) * 3 + 1];
model->normals[nIndex + 2] = norms[(faces[f + 2] - 1) * 3 + 2];
nIndex += 3;
// Delete temp data.
delete[] verts;
delete[] norms;
delete[] texC;
delete[] faces;
return model;

void FreeModel(stObjModel *model)
if(!model) return;
// Release all resources.
if(model->vertices) delete[] model->vertices;
model->vertices = NULL;
if(model->normals) delete[] model->normals;
model->normals = NULL;
if(model->texCoords) delete[] model->texCoords;
model->texCoords = NULL;
delete model;
model = NULL;

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